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Parastrongyloides trichosuri

BioProject PRJEB515 | Data Source Wellcome Sanger Institute | Taxonomy ID 131310

About Parastrongyloides trichosuri

The nematode Parastrongyloides trichosuri is an intestinal parasite of Australian Brush-tailed possums. This parasite has the capacity to undergo multiple reproductive cycles as a free-living worm and thereby amplify the numbers of its infective L3s in faeces. This unique feature makes P. trichosuri a model for studies that explore the genetic basis of longevity and parasitism.

Genome Assembly & Annotation


The draft genome assembly was produced by the Parasite Genomic group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, in collaboration with Warwick Grant (La Trobe University), using Illumina paired-end sequencing followed by an in-house genome assembly pipeline comprising various steps, including contig assembly, scaffolding, gap-filling and error-correction, followed by some bespoke manual improvement (WTSI Strongyloididae Nematode Genomes Project, Hunt et al. (2016)).

In May 2019 Eerik Aunin reported that the genome could be contaminated with bacteria. He observed that the average GC content of scaffold peaks once around 25% and a second time around 70%. Additionally, 685 of 1810 scaffolds, almost exclusively with GC% corresponding to the second peak, are reported as bacterial in an nt BLAST against a reference bacterial database. 483 of the scaffolds match genus Brevundimonas of protobacteria, and others match about 30 different bacteria.


The gene predictions were made by the Parasite Genomics group at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute as part of the Strongyloididae Nematode Genomes Project, Hunt et al. (2016). An in-house automatic pipeline (based around AUGUSTUS plus MAKER) was used to generate first-pass gene models, and this was followed by a round of targeted manual curation of selected gene families.

Key Publications

  • Hunt VL, Tsai IJ, Coghlan A, Reid AJ, Holroyd N, Foth BJ, Tracey A, Cotton JA, Stanley EJ, Beasley H, Bennett HM, Brooks K, Harsha B, Kajitani R, Kulkarni A, Harbecke D, Nagayasu E, Nichol S, Ogura Y, Quail MA, Randle N, Xia D, Brattig NW, Soblik H, Ribeiro DM, Sanchez-Flores A, Hayashi T, Itoh T, Denver DR, Grant W, Stoltzfus JD, Lok JB, Murayama H, Wastling J, Streit A, Kikuchi T, Viney M, Berriman M. The genomic basis of parasitism in the Strongyloides clade of nematodes. Nat Genet, 2016;48(3):299-307

Assembly Statistics

AssemblyP_trichosuri_KNP, GCA_000941615.1
Database VersionWBPS19
Genome Size42,486,966
Data SourceWellcome Sanger Institute
Annotation Version2015-05-WormBase

Gene counts

Coding genes15,010
Gene transcripts15,010

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