Strongyloides stercoralis
BioProject PRJEB528 | Data Source Wellcome Sanger Institute | Taxonomy ID 6248
About Strongyloides stercoralis
The nematode Strongyloides stercoralis, or human threadworm, is a wide-spread, minute gastro-intestinal parasite of humans, occurring principally in the tropics and sub-tropics. Infection of immunosuppressed individuals can result in disseminated strongyloidiasis, in which worms occur throughout the body and can be fatal.
There is 1 alternative genome project for Strongyloides stercoralis available in WormBase ParaSite: PRJNA930454
Genome Assembly & Annotation
Assembly Statistics
Assembly | S_stercoralis_PV0001_v2_0_4, GCA_000947215.1 |
Strain | PV0001 |
Database Version | WBPS19 |
Genome Size | 42,674,647 |
Data Source | Wellcome Sanger Institute |
Annotation Version | 2022-01-WormBase |
Gene counts
Coding genes | 13,123 |
Gene transcripts | 13,149 |
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