Schistocephalus solidus - public RNASeq studies
Table of Contents
SRP066813: Transcriptome sequence for non-infective, infective and adult Schistocephalus solidus worms.
Laval University
Design: 3 conditions
Condition | num. replicates | Developmental stage |
adult | 4 | adult |
infective plerocercoid | 4 | infective plerocercoid |
non-infective plerocercoid | 7 | non-infective plerocercoid |
These studies are available in ENA, and the reads successfully align to our genomes.
They have not been included in our analysis for one of the following reasons:
Failed to meet minimal criteria for differential expression analysis, failure to pass data quality filters, or we were unable to interpret accompanying metadata.
ERP007069: Identification of virulence genes in Schistocephalus solidus
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Ploen, Germany